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The Ink Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Enmity, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. Saul Gud

    Saul Gud Senior Member

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    Just got some free wood stain. Blue and red. they're both water based. anyone have any experience with this stuff?
  2. omiz

    omiz Senior Member

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    anyone ever used hydrogen peroxide mixed with paint?
    it's all i had, so i tried it out and it worked alright.
  3. Curry952

    Curry952 New Member

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    Anybody tried blockbyblock ink?
  4. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    Saul, i would try making them a concentrate, either by evaporation or heating, but heating could be dangerous. But after you get them reduced mix some with paint thinner and see how it works, if it mixes well add it to other inks. If not try a diff chemical.

    Omiz, that sounds like an odd combo, im guessing that it was probly an acrylic paint and you could have just used water... I dont think it would have any real positive effects

    And i havent tried BlockbyBlock
  5. barish

    barish Guest

    has anyone had trouble mixing inks with witches brew to get drips? or using witches brew in markers?
  6. MiDo93

    MiDo93 Senior Member

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    Block by block is alright, i got the chrome ink and it has nice drips and barely any streaks. I haven't tried a buff test. but my buddy got a bottle of black that shit is streaky as hell. im stickin to grog and molotow transformer ink for black ink.
  7. no-sleep

    no-sleep Senior Member

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    i have purple block by block its good
  8. karecard

    karecard Senior Member

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    IMG200.jpg just made this used pens cut up in a bottle with acetone and paint thinner and brake cleaner fluid watever shit, put it in my homeade mop works good
  9. karecard

    karecard Senior Member

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    fat splats when u hit it hard^
  10. fingerlickingchicken

    fingerlickingchicken Senior Member

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    Witches brew is wack ruins mops/markers, way too thick and smells like fucking death in a bottle.

    A up is an up, keep bombing
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  11. Clomidg

    Clomidg Banned

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  13. cornholio31337

    cornholio31337 Member

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    anyone know if you can buy bottles of the ink in the otr cold sweat markers. the one with the bitumen. and for homemades i use nitroceluos paint thinners. really strong shit, unreal for making ink
  14. Clomidg

    Clomidg Banned

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  15. SE3andhisTrees

    SE3andhisTrees Member

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    you can buy molotow coversall. its bitumen and way better flow and coverage and itll work in your otr markers. i use it in a mop for spots i know will get buffed hard cuz they cant get it off
  16. cornholio31337

    cornholio31337 Member

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  17. graffitiWISCONSIN

    graffitiWISCONSIN Senior Member

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    no problem. i've gone back to spots i've used bl2 on & they couldn't even touch it. colorz is pretty easy to buff but it's not really made to stain.
  18. barish

    barish Guest

    any thoughts on grogs klondike gold?
  19. MiDo93

    MiDo93 Senior Member

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    Anyone gettin grogs "street Killer Ink". looks pretty dope

    BEDAROC Senior Member

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    I need to know if you can mix japan drier with alcohol ink...? Does it have an effect on the permanence of the ink or jus does its job and boosts drying time?