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Your Kids

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Krylon bomber, Sep 10, 2005.

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  1. Krylon bomber

    Krylon bomber Elite Member

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    when you get older and you have kids if you do will you let them do graffiti?
    will you turn them on to graffiti,will you let them rack,stay out late nights?
    let us know what you will let them do and not let them do.
  2. The Incredible D

    The Incredible D Elite Member

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    fuck no.
    im having my kid clean the house and be my slave.
    theres no time to do graffiti when theres dishes to be done.
  3. **MATEO**

    **MATEO** Elite Member

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    course not, i want a nerdy son that will earn millions so i can sit on my ass and live it easy
  4. Live4TheWall

    Live4TheWall Elite Member

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    Im gonna get my kid into art deffinatly, if he goes toward graffiti thats his own choice. I just want my kid to express himself through art cause its an amazing outlet. If he does get into graffiti though then I'll show him all my shit and help him out, if he gets caught or anything though hes paying the fine.
  5. arsn

    arsn Member

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    LOL, um i would let dem, and help dem out but only under parental supervision!i can buy da paint ill have gett'n up battle with'em too!
  6. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    i'll just let the wife decide...not like id have a say anyways
  7. **MATEO**

    **MATEO** Elite Member

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    haha, thats lil' maximo in ur sig!, he was on junior idol or sumthin like 3 years ago
  8. scrabble

    scrabble Elite Member

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    im not having kids. to much responsiblity. i doubt ill ever get married either.
  9. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    Im gonna give my kids boxes of condoms and let them have sex once there 14, im gonna give them money for paint. And im gonna let them drink. But not do drugs. And as long as they pass grd 12 im ok with it..doesnt matter what there grade is lol.
  10. Krylon bomber

    Krylon bomber Elite Member

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    ^^^yeah, i would not care if he or she wanted to do graff but im sure the wife would care. something really bad graff related would have to happen to me to change my mind.
  11. koper

    koper Banned

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    i've got a kid
    hes still only 14 months, but i plan on having him into graf at a young age.
    I wont have him racking paint, and getting his name out.
    I want him to understand that graf is an artform, nothing more. The same way i see it.
  12. Zodiak Kid

    Zodiak Kid Senior Member

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    lol yeah my girl pretty much picks out my clothes for me
  13. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    unless you marr ya coke addict or adopt the wife wont agree...adn your gunna be a shit ass father...

    I'll let my kids paint ill buidl them a practice wall in the backyard and ill buy them painbt on occasion but not too much cuase itd get dman expensive and ill help them out with their stuff but i wont encourage illegls or racking but what kid would listen to ttheir parent about that anways theyll do what they want i canrt stop them...
  14. metro 519

    metro 519 Senior Member

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    id be ashamed if my kid didnt enjoy graff as much as my self!!!

    i just wouldnt let them rack stuff
  15. Rogan

    Rogan Senior Member

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    :rolleyes: someone sounds lie kthe bitch of the relationship... :D
  16. snow2skate

    snow2skate Elite Member

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    unless you marr ya coke addict or adopt the wife wont agree...adn your gunna be a shit ass father...

    I'll let my kids paint ill buidl them a practice wall in the backyard and ill buy them painbt on occasion but not too much cuase itd get dman expensive and ill help them out with their stuff but i wont encourage illegls or racking but what kid would listen to ttheir parent about that anways theyll do what they want i canrt stop them... [/b][/quote]
    Its called dating, you find a girl that wouldnt care, which i have found.
  17. spray67

    spray67 Senior Member

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    ill show him/her graff an if he does get into it an he startes sneakin out or rackin ill kinda look the other way a lil bit but once he gets caught then hell get in trouble for it
  18. cess!

    cess! Elite Member

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    he knowes what hes talkin about

    when i grow up fuck havin a wife girls are psychos
    plus once you get married everything changes
    you have 0 freedom
    once your single or with a gf theres none of that wife responsibility...
    maybe im just sayin this cus the girls iv been with latly are nuts
    or maybe cus im 15
  19. 098765432111

    098765432111 Senior Member

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    you can turn a kid onto the art aspect of graffiti. but not the graffiti aspect of graffiti.
    kids who actually tag alot, bomb, get up , destroy shit usually have a sickness.
    a sickness that u cant teach someone. its some kind of unrest deep in your soul that makes u do such a ridiculous activity. im not talking about all kids that tag. im talkin about kids that kill and destroy. kids that have holes in all their clothes from fences, scars from bombing, kids that become famous fo bombing. they have a sickness. all others fade into the background at some point regadless of artisttic ability.
  20. dinedgc

    dinedgc Elite Member

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    daaaaaamnnn...thats intense^^