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What's The Best Drawing Advice You Evr Got?

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Idealeyez, Apr 9, 2005.

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  1. ACE

    ACE Member

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    The best advice anyone gave me was "Don't give it up."
  2. Version 2.0

    Version 2.0 Senior Member

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  3. aerosolhaze

    aerosolhaze Senior Member

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    dude i draw like 3 hours a day whenever im bored or if i wanna design a piece to do i fuckin draw nonstop. a a few weeks ago i lterally drew all day from the time i woke up to the time i went to

    FLA BOMBA Banned

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  5. Vecktro

    Vecktro Member

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    what can u get done with in only 10 minutes a day. a fucking outline or a stupid tag. i guess that works if u dont wanna go any where and just throw up shitty tags all over da place. u need to practice longer than that to get pieces down.
  6. Paint Magic

    Paint Magic Elite Member

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    uhh when u do 3d make sure u make all the lines same lentgh and pointing in the same direction pisses me off when i see horibble 3d
  7. sane013

    sane013 Senior Member

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  8. k1ng

    k1ng Senior Member

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    graffiti creater = LAME makes u lazy with your skeches and when it comes to sprayin them you just make a big mess (i know from experience)
  9. Special_K

    Special_K Senior Member

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    dont concentrate on small details when you start, get an idea of what you want then rough it out and add details later. and use a regular pencil to do sketches not a mechanical.
  10. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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  11. Mute1

    Mute1 Elite Member

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    sane, you really are a toy. Dont let yourself think u aint.
  12. G-RAF

    G-RAF Senior Member

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    hhahaha^ n oh yeh.. fla.. if ur gonna give toys sum advice.. give a good one.. that stupid creator shit is too lame..w.e. hapend to having your own style?
  13. sane013

    sane013 Senior Member

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    But why am i a toy and how long have you been making pieces before you guys where really good?
  14. leftside

    leftside Member

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    ok i'm gonna give some general advice for learning shit.

    learning things quickly is a SKILL
    u gotta understand the value of perspective and apply that knowledge across the spectrum for EXAMPLE

    i only started proramming 4 years ago, learning basic concepts like compiling code, loop structures (if, for, unless etc.), variables.... at this point things were very primitive and i didn't really understand the process except when i code, i get output.

    i couldn't do much beyond simple calculator programs and mostly useless shit. if u think it's hard bein' a toy as a graff writer, try fuckin' with the SDK to humongous applications like Half-Life or large open-source projects. u are DWARFED n feel puny compared to the sic programmers out there who kno their shit.

    actually for a few years before coding i had been building my own computers from pieces (which is actually very easy but when you overclock and get into more advanced shit it can get as complicated as you want it to be)

    so i started toying around with that code, making modifications and working with the complex stuff that i didn't quite understand. but i got frustrated because once i caused an error and hit a stumbling block, i didn't know how to dig myself out. didn't understand shit like #pragma preprocessor directives and cryptic C++ compilation errors spanning multiple DLLs.

    VERY frustrating made me feel even punier. then i realize that i had to go back to the basics and reinvent myself as a programmer. so i went back and re-learnt what i had before, but this time i had the PERSPECTIVE and depth of knowledge. a lot of that complex shit that were very alien concepts to me started to click. i learned multiple languages C++ java perl javascript vbscript and more. instead of doing console applications and messing around with the logic code for complex 3d games, i started doing every type of thing imaginable websites, openGL, creating my own java game engines, japanese<->english dictionary programs, a wide variety. even tho these things might have been in different schools of programming/engineering, the perspective gained from each of these projects applied across the board to the various others and lessons learned from each helped me in others.

    then i started to learn the REAL gnitty gritty of what's up. learning the foundations of computers, how the actual CPU interoperated with other parts via the bus and in fact the very workings of ICs themselves and why we use binary instead of for example trinary, reasons at the most primitive level. i began to understand memory and how it is stored and manipulated, altering data at the bit level.

    and then i brought that knowledge back to my previous projects and enhanced them, all the while starting new ones.

    now i can start a project using a new programming language, API, even operating system and pick it up like it was nothing, all the while freestyle cyphering the code and learning as i go. this is because the PERSPECTIVE i gained helps me quickly learn new shit as i go.

    I realize this is a long post and I hope you get something out of it. The point is, always keep learning from EVERYTHING as long as it relates to the task at hand.

    When you go to a museum and view a sculpture you might think this has nothing to do with graff. But observe the perspective of that sculpted figure's features. Look at the people around you and observe the features of their face, relate them to each other and relate those featuers to those of others' faces. When you see an incredible website design, ponder what makes that design excellent. Then go and make a concerted effort to learn more about design. I read a book which broke design into 4 simple features C-R-A-P contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Now I observe design with that perspective in mind and new realizations occur. when i scope a sic website or graff design i actually apply those concepts to 1 another.

    now i don't claim to be sic @ any of my skills but i am always learning and i am still young, i try to be an eternal student and grow wiser for my experiences combined.

    Learning to bboy, make beats, program, learn new spoken/written languages, bike, paint graff... these are all actually inter-related. As you learn, constantly go back to the basics and re-learn them using the perspective you have gained. NEVER TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED ALWAYS QUESTIONS YOUR PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS. Keep an open mind and NEVER GIVE UP you will transcend what you once thought possible. You are not unlike the sickest graff writers in the world you must allow yourself to blossom as often the greatest obstacle is your own mindset.

    This might be ranting but if 1 person gains some valuable insight or inspiration from this then it was completely worth it.
  15. sane013

    sane013 Senior Member

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    ^ Dam dude thats a fucking nice story and a really good advice. And i think for all the people who are toy in graff (what i'm to) you can really learn from this story and i also think when you read you dont give up that fast. :)
    Thnx men I really appreciate this alot
  16. magic nyc

    magic nyc Elite Member

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    *Its okay to use your eraser* - A wise old man.
  17. OveRDoSeD

    OveRDoSeD Elite Member

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  18. OveRDoSeD

    OveRDoSeD Elite Member

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    god damn! what is happening to graffiti?!?!?! :(
  19. LuStErOcKs

    LuStErOcKs Moderator

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    i never got none but ive given a shit load.
  20. OnwaMatra

    OnwaMatra Senior Member

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    "Just scribble and trace the lines you like."