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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    chickenfish is my fav flow! i gotta have some
  2. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    I just found a roach in the lint tray of my dryer.
  3. geezpot

    geezpot Elite Member

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  4. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    flow trop forte t pics :)
    la rat et la chauve sourie out of nowhere
  5. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    It was Friday night, and it was snowing. AF and I were at AF's place and we had smoked a couple of joints and watched a video. We were in the mood for some snacks, and rolled another joint and headed towards the gas station. We arrived at the gas station, bought some candy, and started walking towards AF's place again, and we decided to smoke the fat one on the way.

    At this point, we were walking just besides where I used to live at that time. AF is holding the joint, and the police drive up beside us. In some mysterious way, AF manages to throw the joint away, but we still are pretty stone. The cops stops and rolls down the window. Since I stood closer to their car, the wink me over to their car and asks me: "What's your name?" I answer as normal as I am able to my full name, but it comes out a little mumbly. The cops say: "What??", and I answer again my first name only. Then they ask me where I live, and since we are just outside my house, I point and say: "there...." That was a funny situation, but the cops seems pleased with my answers, so the tell us to run along or something. We starts walking again, and the cops' car stands still and they are for sure watching us.

    I start to think very hard on the fact that I told the cops I lived across the street, and that we are heading for AF's place. I think that maybe we should go to my place first, and wait for the cops to get the hell out of here, cuz we are pretty nervous after the little chat. I figure that was a good idea, and I take a step out in the road. Then I think that I probably should let AF in on my little plan first, so I take a step back towards the sidewalk. The only problem is that AF has thought the exact same thought as I did, and at that same point of time, he steps out in the street. This causes a collision between AF and me, followed by the 2 of us standing and pointing at my house and AF's house's direction until I grab AF and says: "The cops are watching us, we'll go to your place." Then we went to AF's house, and after the cops drove past us, we broke down in a gigantic laugh.

    ---unknown people stories
  6. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    hahahaha that thing with the monkey holding the sign reminded me of a story my friend made up about my other friend loosing his pants and having a blad spot on his head.....

    b-what are you doing?
    l- I dunno, I stuck in this thing
    b-well get out.
    b-where the hell are you pants?
    l-monkey took them
    b-well get them back
    l-ey monkey gimme my pants
    *money noises*
    l-oh so you wanna knife fight, ey?
    *monkey noises again, l yells*
    b-did you get them back?
    l-no, he cut my head....

    hahaha it better to hear it aloud....probily made no sense, but it was random....
  7. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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  8. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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  9. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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  10. BeeOne234...

    BeeOne234... Elite Member

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  11. scary dreams

    scary dreams Elite Member

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  12. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    wowho rocky horror
    i love magenta
  13. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    scary dreams....jesus...calm down that was so fucking disgusting its random not fucking stuff to make me throw up....every thing i saw was shit ass shit...
  14. pSYKAOz

    pSYKAOz Elite Member

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    haha its kinda funny...

    plus weve all seen shit b4... just some brown stuff...
  15. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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  16. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    thanks car2n for all those looks so good i could eat it
  17. Car2nist

    Car2nist Banned

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    the baby has the stupid face of "i soiled myself " on its face lmfao, I FUCING HATE BABIES I LOVE KITTENS :D
  18. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    i luv looking for a bebe kitten so if anyone knows of anyone in the mtl area pm me pls

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  19. xylene hug

    xylene hug Elite Member

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    big ups tony!!!
    my bong is always on duty!!
  20. glue

    glue Elite Member

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    kittens are tooo cute :wub: :wub: :wub: