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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    you don't need to be in prison to be fucked by hairy fat guys.
  2. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    you know what im saying man ...
  3. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    ya, I sure people get raped....I mean if it happens out in the free world, where there are tons of do-able girls....
  4. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    ah fucking shop nav or perfect nav or what ever the fuck that was. made me double post.....fuck the internet..........
  5. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    yo so when you go in prison
    there are chances that youl get rape ..

    old prisoner that has been in for 15 years are ready to fuck every fresh ass that comes in...
    fuck i dont want that ;)
  6. calmlikeabomb

    calmlikeabomb Elite Member

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    don't be a foo stay in schoo
  7. infer one

    infer one Elite Member

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    fuck skool...if you wannna make it in this world....sell crack!
  8. ASEN

    ASEN Banned

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    I fucking hate PerfectNav. I swear if i meet those fuckers one day ima slash their throats.
  9. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    yo hows the crack buzz. i never smoke it
  10. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    Crack is dead. The REAL money, at least here in NC, is in hallucinagenics and meth. Seriously. There's a huge fucking market for it over here. Heroin, crack, coke, all that shit. No one's lookin, no one's sellin.
  11. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    whats nc... and whats that drug your talking about.. i want some
  12. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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    North Carolina. And you don't know what meth is?
  13. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    im a frenchy from montreal quebec.. i dont know what meth translation is wait i ask to my neighbour
  14. FOEone

    FOEone Elite Member

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  15. benkser

    benkser Elite Member

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    looks good but fuck it :)

    crystal meth
    (crystal methamphetamine, tina, crystal meths, krank, tweak, ice)

    Crystal meth is an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities

    Once very big amongst some of the US gay community but now spreading fast into mainstream culture, meth was originally used by bikers and truckers to stay awake on long journeys. Crystal is made of highly volatile, toxic substances (based on such chemical "precursors" as methylamine and amyl amine) that are melded in differing combinations, forming what some have described as a "mix of laundry detergent and lighter fluid."

    The mixes are never exactly the same, but basic types are a rough yellow substance called Hydro and a smooth white blend called Glass. Half a gram costs around £25 and a £15 hit would probably keep you going for a few days.

    The drug can either be snorted or injected, or in its crystal form 'ice' smoked in a pipe, and brings on a feeling of exhilaration and a sharpening of focus. Smoking ice results in an instantaneous dose of almost pure drug to the brain, giving a huge rush followed by a feeling of euphoria for anything from 2-16 hours.

    For some this could result in obsessive cleaning or tidying, but for many the biggest bonus is the sense of sexual liberation which can result in mad, abandoned sex for hours - sometimes days - on end.

    It's ability to keep users awake and feeling good for long periods have resulted in the drug making heavy inroads into the US gay dance scene, although its use is still rare in the UK.

    Side effects: The biggest risk is from the increased chance of HIV infection through unprotected and uninhibited sex while under the influence of meth. The liberating nature of the drug means that often safe sex is discarded while sexual activity increases greatly. It has been reported in the States that in almost half of the new AIDS cases, crystal meth has been a factor.

    Smoking ice results in body temperature rises and rapid cardiac and respiratory rates developing as the blood pressure increases. The drug can lead to hallucinations, paranoia, and bizarre, aggressive and psychotic behaviour.

    Health risks: The effects and dependence potential of meth are similar to that of amphetamine misuse, although as the stuff is a lot stronger, the dangers involved are greater with an increased chance of overdose.

    Overuse can bring on paranoia, short term memory loss, wild rages and mood swings as well as damage to your immune system. As far as we know, it is not physically addictive, although many have quickly developed a very strong psychological and damaging dependence for the drug.

    Overdosing can lead to severe convulsions followed by circulatory and respiratory collapse, coma and death. Some people have died after taking small doses.
  16. sika_2002

    sika_2002 Elite Member

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    yeh, meth is getting a big thing here in the uk aswell, im to cool for school, but i still go
  17. Coffee

    Coffee Senior Member

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    meth aint got nohtin on coffee
  18. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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    FUCK METH COFFEE FO LIFE..... and by coffee i mean massive amounts of LSD and CAffine
  19. Whoa

    Whoa Elite Member

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    i missed you all
    well, almost all of yall
  20. GeSuS_KRiST

    GeSuS_KRiST Moderator

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