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Always wanted to ask this..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SOOF, Aug 27, 2007.

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  1. C-SONE

    C-SONE Senior Member

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    It's because he is a fly fetishist.
  2. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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  3. Kayone707

    Kayone707 Moderator

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  4. littlejohni

    littlejohni Senior Member

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    I dont write worrying about being caught, or getting locked up. the same reason i blaze without worrying about going to jail, or someone speeding worries about other and their safty. is most situations that are illegal theres a reason why we write. I know that i write cause i worry about shit all the f'n time, high anxiety all day long. Then i go write, i drink some beers, smoke some tre , and as soon as i cap up my can and hear that aerosal my worries are gone, its like effing bliss, and i feel that thats what alot of others feel when they write too. So maybe the legality of it is far outweighed by the fact that it feels good for them. As far as where it takes you, i dunno where its gonna take me in the long run, but i do know that for right now its doing everything it needs to do for me in my current state, and thats clearing my head.

    12oz's of freedom!
  5. SKriBL*666

    SKriBL*666 Elite Member

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    I really like how Slush put this.
  6. AMansNotACamel

    AMansNotACamel Senior Member

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    Destroying stuff is fun, something to do. Not so much now but when I was younger I remember first encountering city night life when my friends and I would bus it up to the city and trail around the streets all night (before the times of the knifebridge curfews). I got exposed to a totally different culture than what I had been brought up to believe was there and it was such a buzz to know that I was one of the few cats from my suburban area that had stumbled upon something so, I guess, exciting.
    For some reason I was drawn to the 'underground' aspect of city life (probably cas I was underage and everything 'anti' appealed to me at the time) and because of the homlessness, violence and drug use I saw it made me feel like I would always have a place in the world (the city) where I was accepted, because I had never done anything as bad as the homeless or drug users and even if I did, I figured, like them, I would still be accepted.
    Graffiti was just something I did to pass the time, it will never be art to me, or mean as much to me as those heads that say they love the shit, but it will be, when (if) I grow up and eventually mature a kind of link to my childhood I guess, where I learnt many lessons that have have made me who I am today.
    So overall I do not do graffiti to get me anywhere in life but the culture where I discovered graffiti has, through various times of shit going down, provided me with a sense of 'street smarts' which may help me when I'm older, or not. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  7. -EgoDeath-

    -EgoDeath- Senior Member

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    Writing keeps me sane.

    When everything else in my life is just going to shit, graff is still there.

    You don't really think about anything else when you go out. You're focused on your surroundings and your paint... nothing else in your life really matters then.

    Clears my head for awhile.
  8. toxus

    toxus Elite Member

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    Another one of these threads.

    "Word man, without graff, there'd be a big hole in my life."

    "Ya, it's a good way to express ma self, but the addiction ain't good dude."
  9. Skitz

    Skitz Senior Member

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    i do it cuz im bored and like to play games with people
  10. terrorize

    terrorize Banned

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    graff is fun as fuck.
    driving past one of your tags/throwies/pieces is awesome.
    like "yup, thats me! and everyone sees it."
  11. ODonthesetrees

    ODonthesetrees Elite Member

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    its a hobby, what does any hobby do for you?...depends on how good you are at it, but for most it doesnt do anything...
  12. Chaserwon

    Chaserwon Senior Member

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    I enjoy it so much I'd almost say I love it. Enough said. I don't do anything that I don't want to do in my life. I lookout for number one and do what makes me happy. If tomorrow i decide to lay in bed all day long and make some stickers I will. Make yourself happy man. Do what you love to do, becuase tomorrow might not come.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2007
  13. whahappen?

    whahappen? Elite Member

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    so you can feel youre actually there
    it gives you a type of validation that you can actually do something
  14. anekilishous

    anekilishous Member

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    'Where does graffiti take you in life'
    it takes me the most amazing places
    standing on top of an abandoned hotel in the middle of bristol at 2 in the morning
    its the most beautiful thing
    there are so many things i would never have expirienced without graffiti
    it takes you the most amazing places
  15. beltonuk

    beltonuk Banned

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    graffiti can do wonderful things for you but it can also destroy you
    it can build confidence and self esteem
    it can push people to do things they'd never dream of if they didnt do graff
    it can take you places you never even thought existed
    its ALOT more than just putting your name on a wall with abit of paint
  16. BosoeHNT

    BosoeHNT Senior Member

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    and that's underlined...
  17. Animal

    Animal Senior Member

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    who cares what graffiti does for you, as long as you enjoy it, thats all that matters.
  18. Set17

    Set17 Senior Member

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    haha people pay graffiti artists to bomb there stores to make it look good so like it could turn out good in some situations
  19. kripto_asc

    kripto_asc Member

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    for me its something like a drug i have to do,sometimes when i do one i feel like that is not enough. i got caught tagging once in this place after i tag most the walls,the sad part of it is the owner paint the walls again.
    i know it doesnt take me any were but its just for fun, like a hoby.
  20. PulseWithLife

    PulseWithLife Elite Member

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    Its as simple as seein it up and bombing my local area so people know where im from. I dont go on missions just to graff on the other side of town any more. Unless im already there