SYNTHETIC (Flame Orange): Zinc yellow.
Caps used for piece: Skinny pro, universal outline, pink dot and ny fat.
Also did a quick cap test with all caps I had which are all common caps and all of them worked on Molotow Flame except for Rusto fat and this other cap I have no clue what it is (Looks like a old mtn94 cap but white white black dot)
Pros :
Cons :
My idea was to go with yellows hoping to may be find a miracle one that was opaque. So, It covered decent – but no miracles… I’d say its up to par with most other yellows out there. It fumed well for gradients and didn’t get too fummy when cleaning close (decent clean lines when worked properly).
I also had one synthetic zinc yellow (High pressure) with a stock cap that came out heavy like an astro cap – it went well to fade my gradient. But then I used a skinny pro to clean and was quite precise considering its High presure.
For the Aqua’s in my 3d they were nice and opaque juicy colors! Just how I like em! Spot on.
White was for highlights cause white Highlights are the bomb! It worked well, didn’t dust off white fumes much. However I tried filling in a small space to see how well it covered over darker colors and it wasnt the most opaque.
Thanks to for the opportunity!