Sofer MHK testing the Flame Orange (High Pressure) paint


I chose to test my selection of Flame Orange Paint on a clean hopper freight car.

Blue dot, NY fat, Rusto fat, and pink dot caps were used to test the the following

colours; Pure White, Deep Black, Melon Yellow, Telemagenta, Grape, Riviera,
Lagoon Blue, Aqua Light, and Aqua. The paint flowed well with no clogs or duds
on all caps and cans tested, however the cans seemed to run out quite abruptly.
Pure White did not coat large areas very well using the pink dot cap included and
certainly needed more than one coat over other colours to achieve a “pure white”
colour or even coat. Definitely needs to be more opaque. Pure White and Melon
Yellow definitely the worst colours in terms of opacity. Mellon Yellow needed a
few coats over any colour or surface to achieve fully opaque colour. I wanted to
test at least one of the High Pressure yellows because most any yellow produced
is pretty translucent. Flame Orange Mellow Yellow could be thicker and more
opaque. I used a blue dot on the Flame Orange Deep Black to do the outline for
this piece. The paint flowed flawlessly and covered great on all colours and
surfaces tested. I actually ran out of black for my 3D and had to finish with Belton
Deep Black—which blended very well. Very comparable in terms of flow and
opacity, only slight difference at first was the blue/green hue of Belton Black.
Grape flowed really well with the pink dot cap included. Covered the steel really
well and colour was very vibrant. Only issue seemed to be that the paint was
bubbling on the panel. May be because I hadn’t shaken up the can enough.
Telemegenta with the pink dot flowed well, but didn’t seem to cover as consistent
as the purple. Could be more opaque. Each of the green and aqua colours
flowed and covered very well using the pink dot cap included. Each colour was
very vibrant and blended well with the similar colours. Using the NY Fat cap,
Aqua needed an extra pass to clean up the edges of the lines.
Overall, really liked the vibrant matte colours on steel hopper and the high
pressure was great for covering quickly. The paint flowed really well using the
pink dot, but felt like the high pressure was eating the paint quite rapidly. Would
be interested in trying out the chrome for some bombing and seeing how the
black or red would cover the chrome. Now we wait for the results from the true
test of time, and weather.
– Sofer

