Interview by Azim

Bombing Science: What do you writer and what crews are you down with?

Spok: I write Spok and the name of my crew was TBC (Alone,Colbie,Sha,Buny) but its is not an active crew anymore. Then i started to paint with people from Pornostars(Okuda Dems Rois Fons and many more). But today I’m more like the Knight Rider, the time for crews has passed away!!!

BS: What influences you to paint? 

I do both graffiti styles and artistic paintings, sometimes i try to mix everything up but I haven’t reached my goals so far… I´d like to find the way to be like a modern dutch painter in the life of a graffiti writer whatever that could mean!

BS: How does your art relate to graffiti?

Spok: I’m in a personal struggle to keep my graffiti roots alive, it is the most important contribution to my artistic wills but today I’m more intrested in find out my way on canvas and keep graffiti as my hobby.

BS: Does music have any part in the art you produce? If so what kind of music?

Spok: Of course! It depends on my mood,Tradicinally I listen to hip hop but if I have to be really focussed I have to go to ambient ,I like electronic music as french electro to party and I enjoy Italodisco too..!

BS: Artists?

Spok: Ed banger, Kavinski etc… Biosphere for the ambient, and the dirty south for the r-a-p.

BS: What message are you putting out there with your art in the graffiti world?

Spok: For me everything that i paint could be considered as graffiti. I try to keep on developing my style as i did with graffiti in the 90´s. Every thing that i paint is a reflexion of the life I live.

BS: Why do you paint society in your art? 

Spok: Graffiti writers love to be on the streets so thats reason why i represent that often , if you paint graffiti on the street you have to paint the street on canvases! Its like i´ve been destroying and bombing the last 20 years and i want to recover my damage by painting nicely!

BS: How do you feel about graffiti in the EU, has it changed since many European countries are under one central government?

Spok: Iv’e never thought about that, I recon european graffiti is different from country to country, politics have NOTHING to do with graffiti and viceversa…

BS: Is graffiti competitive out in the EU as it is in the United States?

Spok: It will always gonna be enemies and friends out there, but I think competition is good for graffiti, it makes writers do their best. 

BS: Do you have any shout outs?

Spok: Every graffiti writer all around! We know what we have!
