STEAM – Growing up in a small town where graffiti was sparse to none, seeing it always fascinated me. After being introduced to it through some friends, I started painting in 2015. For the last few years I’ve been based out of Toronto, Canada, repping BFD crew.

Productions have always been my favourite aspect of graffiti, and I take influence from the likes of: FX Crew, old school HSA, Slider and MadC. Vinse, Bacon, Ekwal, Tenser, Stare, and Scan (RIP) are a few I’ve looked up to most.

I’m still in the early stages of developing my own style, but I love legibility, cleanliness, and effects. I’ve always been a better fine artist than writer- so applying that knowledge towards an art with no rule book has been both extremely challenging, and gratifying.

Shoutout to the BFD family: Deas, Xscape, Croem, Sadar, Pastor, Kringe, Krome, and Song!

Follow STEAM on instagram
