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The Ink Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Enmity, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. provinT13

    provinT13 Senior Member

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    blaaaaaa ok i've seen **** buff tests and **** drip tests on youtube, but was just wondering what everyone thought, so from your posts i'll just assume that it's fucking shiznackling crazy and i'll go buy some, kthxbye...
  2. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    to martyr~ carbon doesnt dissolve. idk what the fish tank shit looks like, but if you wanna add teh carbon to an ink, youll need to like get it into powder form or something, then suspend it with something, dpending on what your putting it into
  3. zenne

    zenne Elite Member

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    last night i made ink by just pouring a little 100% acetate in a empty water bottle, and cut up ball point pen things about 1/2 inch, and filled them to the top of the acetate, shook it up and let it sit a few hours. im not sure how it works on metal, but it stained on my desk and its still on my hands, i cant wash it off... i need to get a mop to put it in and use it on metal 0.o
  4. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    yea pen ink is good. you mean acetone though right?
  5. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    if anyone here is good at making homemade pigmented inks flow through markers pm me
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  6. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    did yuo say home made pigmented inks?

    ::edit::why do the forums censor the word ****??
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  7. Five Sixx Ace

    Five Sixx Ace Senior Member

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    is it okay to make ink with acetone, would the ink made with it melt a nyc mop or otr h2b?
  8. Olick

    Olick Elite Member

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    alls i ever felt knowing is that all the bright colors "yellow n shit" are man made.

    as for carbon. BURN STUFF!

    but im like 100% sure u knew that so yah im useless =]
  9. ##sable##

    ##sable## Senior Member

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    delete yeur entire sig, and leave for 2 months.

    than come back to bombing science when yeu have learned more.
  10. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    yo phuck you. i was askin what he said cuz it sounded like a typo. secondly the whole point of this thread is to get legitamate questions answered and "learn more" you pompous fuck

    and yah my sig was gay so i edited it
  11. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    uhh ill try to get picyures some time soon. and fot the carbon, i remember this one time i came into a petsmart and they had like this 32 oz bucket full of like rabbit turd sized balls of carbon.tht might be what he has
  12. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    yea i edited my post, too many typos. and yah i know how to make pigmented inks, its just that i cant get them to flow well through liek pump valve markers. and i dont think its because theyre too thick, and the pigmentes are suspended well so idk what the problem is
  13. noxi

    noxi Elite Member

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    Just to be sure, is pearl ex meant for oil based paint or can it be used for ink?
  14. Olick

    Olick Elite Member

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    it can be used for w/e the fuck you want.

    it DOES flow through pump markers though.

    and hettinger. if you TRUELY made pigments then it garunteed to flow through anything. im not saying you didnt. but maybe the mixture that you throw the pigments into is the problem. not the pigment themselves you kno?
  15. tiny tim

    tiny tim Senior Member

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    well im gaurunteed to not know the answerbut out of curiosity what did you use to suspend the pigments and in what base. does the illadel pigment based flow through markers?

    ::edit:: so did anybody check into that party blue yet
  16. ohgawdxcarcrash

    ohgawdxcarcrash Elite Member

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    pigments can vary in size, and the amount you put in can effective the way it flows.

    and pearl ex, is really shitty with inks if you have the silver/aluminum kind. get the darkest color you can find for inks.
  17. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    i made an ink from
    zinseer shellac, its just shellac dissolved in ethanol and isopropanol.
    thne i added FINE carbon black, but maybe it does have to be uber fine?
  18. HëRbN

    HëRbN Elite Member

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    from what ive done with pigments it does have to be hella fine, or can make a big difference if it is. cause what i used was really fine but didnt get along with a pump valve very well. it worked at first but got shitty and clogged in the smaller sections over time. im sure it depends on the pigment as well though.
  19. ohgawdxcarcrash

    ohgawdxcarcrash Elite Member

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    even the most fine grained things, can easily thicken when mixed with other substances. consistency can effect the color so really so you don't want it to be thinned down too much, to save time.. just poke holes in the nib or find a base that can dissolve the pigments or whatever additive you put in.
  20. H3TT1NG3R

    H3TT1NG3R Elite Member

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    how do the pigments thicken? and pigments dotn dissolve, so its just abotu suspending them ,which the shellac did fine, and the ink didnt seem thick.
    but yea i guess it might be the pigment size, because i used generals brand powdered graphite. but idk where to get wicked fine pigment without ordering online. i coudl do teh lamp black shit but taht takes forever.

    or maybe i even need to dilute the shellac? because the way it comes its pretty concentrated, and i dont think i really need that much binder