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Bombing High

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by J-Ninja, Nov 9, 2005.

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Which is better?

  1. Bombing when ur high

  2. Bombing when ur straight

  1. disposable_hero

    disposable_hero Elite Member

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    bombing when ur straight is what i do but alot of writers in toronto use coke because it helps you concentrate makes you stronger and lowers pain tolerance
    it also is known to get rid of any fear the user has..
    perfect for bombing if u dont mind doing a harsh ass drug
  2. settybomb

    settybomb Elite Member

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    Coke lasts for like, a half hour tops, and all it does is act like speed times 100. If you drink a bit with coke, you get real fucked up. But i stay away from powders, and one of CT's best writers is a huge coke head from what i hear. no names of course, but his shit is fresh regardless.
    But you need to do ALOT OF COCAINE to get a lowerd pain tolerance, and it has been known to cause paranoia and tense situations.
    Drugs are different for each person, some people take certain drugs and feel one way, thats is like a dare textbook will tell you, and some different person could take it and have the opposite effect.
    all in all, drugs are ill will volume 1.3
  3. AMW

    AMW Senior Member

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    i dont get high, i dont need that shit....i get high off of edjucation and morals
  4. mad ethics

    mad ethics Senior Member

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    i voted bombing straight, cause when i'm high i stick to sketching
  5. Semor156

    Semor156 Member

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    im happy for you
  6. mr. farts

    mr. farts New Member

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  7. CutThroat

    CutThroat New Member

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    high=bad art.
    drunk=good ideas.
    ephedrine caffeine and adderal=perfect execution of previously mentioned good ideas.
  8. epiL*

    epiL* Senior Member

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    look at these ppl, how could someone not like going out bombing completely ripped out of your mind, its not THAT hard
  9. epiL*

    epiL* Senior Member

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    Coke lasts for like, a half hour tops, and all it does is act like speed times 100. If you drink a bit with coke, you get real fucked up. But i stay away from powders, and one of CT's best writers is a huge coke head from what i hear. no names of course, but his shit is fresh regardless.
    But you need to do ALOT OF COCAINE to get a lowerd pain tolerance, and it has been known to cause paranoia and tense situations.
    Drugs are different for each person, some people take certain drugs and feel one way, thats is like a dare textbook will tell you, and some different person could take it and have the opposite effect.
    all in all, drugs are ill will volume 1.3 [/b][/quote]
    blow just makes me numb and werd feelin, you wana speed smoke some crack
  10. epiL*

    epiL* Senior Member

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    you want somethin to make you stronger get some dust bro
  11. uhhh

    uhhh Elite Member

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    i voted when your staright cuz last time i went tagging(it was just some shoe poilish) it got all over my hands(i was high by the way) and i didn;'t notice3 so when i got home i tryed to wash it off but my mom made me show her my hands then they drug tested me and i got ground for a month and a half, now i'm not allowed to do anything, so... when your straight, defienetly
  12. elcs

    elcs Elite Member

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    looks like you could use a few more hits

    SEROKID Senior Member

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    sketchin when your high is pretty cool
  14. aces

    aces Elite Member

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    idk i said straight
  15. -AbSrD

    -AbSrD Senior Member

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    eh all the same. i hate doing it way 2 drunk tho shit ends up more on ur hands n blowing in the wind then on the wall. and when ur on uppers u move at the speed of fucking light. but i do that sober 2 so its just like who cares. n as 4 chronic. some ppl say it makes em sketchy i dont find that at all. it makes me creep.
  16. Minnerapolis

    Minnerapolis Senior Member

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    Acid Trip Sketches

    dunno if this got posted and dont really wanna read 10 pages of arguing, so here it is again?
  17. mad ethics

    mad ethics Senior Member

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    that was pretty interesting, the style of drawing changed dramatically
  18. G-RAF

    G-RAF Senior Member

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    i just came from a school trip like 5 hours away and did throwies while juicing/blazing...really good combination if you ask me
  19. To.The.Beat

    To.The.Beat Senior Member

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    I like sketching while stoned, chill peicing while stoned.
    But not bombing.
    If I was to get chased imagine the strain on your lungs.
    Your likely to get caught.
  20. rifmaster

    rifmaster Senior Member

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    aimg.photobucket.com_albums_v367_rifmaster_IMG_4397.jpg oh yeah drunk and a lil high :blink: